Band Night

Yogyakarta Indonesia
Final Two Weeks (part 3)

More Images to come!

My last weekend in Yogya, I went with my new friends, Novi, Dewi, Anton, Rolly, Deka, and Karyadhi to the Gerbong Cafe in the Tugu Station for a night of 25 bands! It was a total blast!!

Novi, Dewi, and Anton picked me up and we first headed over to Rolly's studio to check out his work and meet up with the rest of the gang.

After hanging out at Rolly's studio we drank a little bit of the local drink.

Me and DEKA

Anton, Dewi, Novi, and "the kids."

Outside of the Gerbong Cafe along the boarding area at Tugu train station.

The crew -- outside Gerbong Cafe

Me and Novi

Novi, Dewi, and me

The crowd inside Gerbong Cafe

Anton with Ayyu's backpack (she made!!)