Obama Obama Obama


Being the political junkie that I am, I've been watching all of the debates and primaries. I know that I've been critical of Barack Obama on this blog in the past; however, I think the issues that I had with him in 2006 were perhaps the result of bad advice at that time by his political team.

Having watched Senator Obama over the past 2 years and learning more about him, I believe that he's the only candidate who can truly lead this country into place where we're no longer hated around the world and where we treat other countries with respect, compassion and, equality. I have a great deal of respect for Obama's past work as a community organizer, which is far more difficult than working in the corporate sector, his work as a teacher, his work as a civil rights lawyer, and his work as a U.S. senator. Hillary Clinton made a remark recently that while leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. are great visionaries, it takes someone in the Executive Office to sign bills into law. With Barack Obama we'd be getting both! Thanks Hillary for reminding us of this.