Life In Balance

Spirit Helpers, collaboration with Ramon Murrillo, 7.5” x 9.5”, woodcut and etching, 1991

Spirit Helpers, collaboration with Ramon Murrillo, 7.5” x 9.5”, woodcut and etching, 1991

Recently I found this article while going through old files. I wrote it back in the early nineties when I was an undergraduate student in the printmaking department at the University of Oregon and I was writing for the school’s paper. It reminded me how important it is to take time out to connect to and honor the spirit world daily - and to spend time in the natural world as much as possible! I do miss my days in Oregon when I was able to get up and spend early mornings hiking up Spencer Butte through an old growth forest to the peak to look out over the Willamette Valley. Heaven!

Megan Wilsonrecent