Yogyakarta Indonesia Week 2
Yogyakarta Indonesia
Week 2
Carolyn left a few days ago. Her final day we spent the morning/afternoon at an opening for the exhibition Enjoy: Sculpture #1 curated by Nano Warsono at ISI (the Art Institute of Jogja). All I can say is -- spectacular! In the evening/night we had a big reunion with our artist friends here that was a much needed and great experience. Since then I've been doing work for the non-profits that I work with, helping Arie with the final preparations for the Sama-sama catalogue before we go to print on Monday, went to a meeting organized by Samuel of a large group of artists from here (about 30) to start a new community project/space, and met up with a great group of young street/mural artists to begin discussing doing a project here next week. All good. Though there's a lot of talk that Mount Merapi (the volcano near here) is going to erupt within the next couple of weeks!
Who knew Nano was such an amazing performer!!!!
This was a performance where a group of artists smoked and burned the letters to spell out Enjoy Sculpture. Carolyn and I were definately having flashbacks to the Art Institute.
Our friend Codit in the center with the lit cigarette (Bambang was there too).
The reunion begins ....
Carolyn andRhoman
Arie in yet another wrestling mask brought by CC
Nano and Dani join us
Yay! Arya finally shows up!!
Sam & CC
Nadiah & Arie