Yogyakarta Week Three Day 5

Yogyakart Indonesia
Final 2 Weeks (part 1)

The final two weeks in Yogya have been extremely busy -- hence the lack of new blogs until now. Activities included: finishing the wall project, giving a presentation to an architecture class at Duta Wacana University in Eko Prawoto's class, a visit and stay with my friends, artists Entang Wiharso and Christine Cocca, who run an alternative artists' residency program in Yogyakarta -- Antennae Projects, visit to one of the new super malls in Yogya, a night out at the Gerbong Cafe in Tugu Station to see 25 bands with my young artist friends (two of them -- Novi and Roly, were part of the line up), finishing up the catalogue, and a celebration and launch of the catalogue at Via Via Cafe. Therefore the next series of blogs will cover this past two weeks.

The Wall Project
Artists who participated included: myself,
Novi, Anton, Puji, Roly, Anto, Aries, Karyadi, Gedhek (DEKA), Nova, and Arie Dyanto. Aries (dua) videotaped the process. The concept that we were working with was the propaganda that the Bush administration is spreading to the world (or bombing the world with), and in particular the Muslim world, using Christianity as it's mouthpiece, or otherwise known as "God Speak."