Tan Series


The Tan Series is continuation of Wilson’s work inspired by the sensuality and beauty in the accouterments of the cowboy -- saddles, boots, bits, and spurs – and the beautiful ornamentation and floral designs that adorned these trappings and presented such a delicate contrast to the rough and tough image of the wrangler.


L -> R: Tan #3, Tan #5, Tan #2, all works 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002 

Tan #2, 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

Tan #2, 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

Tan #4, 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

Tan #4, 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

Tan #5, 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

Tan #5, 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

Tan #1, 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

Tan #1, 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

Tan #1, 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

Tan #1, 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

L -> R: Tan #3, Tan #5, Tan #2, all works 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002

L -> R: Tan #3, Tan #5, Tan #2, all works 15" x 12" quilling (paper), grommets, velour paper, suede frame, 2002